First Lady Mary Roberson
Mary V. Roberson was born in Jonesboro, Louisiana to Jessie and Leon Valentine and lived in Louisiana during her early years until she moved to Kansas City, Kansas, and then to Kansas City, Missouri.
Mary worked in education as she was trained as a teacher and for Librarianship. In the beginning of her career Mary worked for the Social Security Administration, and Kansas University Medical Center.
She has worked in education and Library Science most of her career. She now works at the Central Branch of the Kansas City Public Library as the Senior Programming and Services Manager. She has also managed Prospect, L. H. Bluford, Westport, Sugar Creek, Southeast and Waldo Branch Library before moving to the Central Library.
She is married to Pastor B. G. Roberson and is a member of the Corinthian Baptist Church of Jesus Christ. She works in the Christian Education department, Sunday School with children, mission, outreach, health, and the Women and Family Ministry. She and Pastor Roberson have three children, one deceased, grandchildren, great grands, God Children, and many beloved church children.
She is an active member of the Ministers’ Wives and Widow of the New Era District, and has served in various offices, including president, vice President, secretary, financial secretary, and treasurer. She now serves as the treasurer. She is Director of New Era District Ministers’ Wives and Widows of the Congress of Christian Education.
She served as past president of the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri Ministers’ Wives and Widows, where Dr. Linden Bowie is the Convention President. and has also held various offices in the State Convention.
She was past Director of the Ministers Wives and Widows in the State Congress of Christian Education.
She has taught Ministers’ Wives and Widows classes in the State Convention and the New Era District. She has also given workshops, spoken in churches and the community.
Mary has worked in the Assist program as well as taught and attended classes in the Blue River KC Association and has served on committees there.
She works in the community, and the church. She enjoys reading, writing, studying, researching, and traveling. She has a great love for God and His people. She loves praising Him and enjoys working in His service. Her most quoted scriptures: “ I will bless the Lord at all times, His praises shall continually be in my mouth”. Psalm 34:1; and Psalm 103:1” Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name” and Proverbs 3:5-6 In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Mary has a great love for God and His people. She is a servant of God. She wants to do His will. She gives Him all the glory and all the praise.